NOTE: Be aware that this list may see alterations and additions if and when I decide to write more stories within the Spellbinder Universe. Some of the text does contain spoilers for a number of stories especially Incompatible and Transfigured.
Day | Story Day | Meaning | Original Name | Norse meaning |
Monday | Manadag | The moon’s day | Mánadagr | Same |
Tuesday | Eirdag | Named for the Goddess of Healing Eir | Tysdagr | Tyr’s Day |
Wednesday | Vordag | Named for the Goddess Vor. | óðinsdagr | Odin’s Day |
Thursday | Siffendag | Named for the Goddress Sif. | þórsdagr | Thor’s Day |
Friday | Freydag | Named for the Goddress Freya. | Frjádagr | Same |
Saturday | Laurdag | Washing day | Laugardagr | Same |
Sunday | Sunadag | The sun’s day | Sunnudagr | Same |
Month | Equivalent | Anglicized Name |
Mörsugur | Mid Decemebr to mid January | Morsugur |
Þorri | Mid January to mid Febuary | Thorri |
Gói | Mid Febuary to mid March | Goa |
Einmánuður | Mid March to mid April | Einmander |
Harpa | Mid April to mid May | Unchanged |
Skerpla | Mid May to mid June | Unchanged |
Sólmánuður | Mid June to mid July | Solmander |
Heyannir | Mid July to mid August | Unchanged |
Tvímánuður | Mid August to mid September | Tvimander |
Haustmánuður | Mid September to mid October | Hostmander |
Gormánuður | Mid October to mid November | Gormander |
Ýlir | Mid November to mid December | Ylir |
NOTE: The date format as used in Incompatible and Destiny by Aryanna is modeled after the format used in the US. It goes Day (Name & Number) then Month as follows: Freydag 9. Harpa.
The date format used by Neil is similar and it goes Day (Name & Number) then Month as follows: Freydag, the third of Morsugur

Air (Wind)– One of the most wild and unpredictable forms of magic, most Spellbinder’s forgo the use of wind magic due to its wild nature. Air magic is weak against Earth magic. Lightening magic is a subset of Air.
Earth – Those who are skilled in earth magic can use it to level entire mountains, but careless use can have disastrous results. Used in conjunction with water magic, earth magic is used to nurture the soil and accelerate growth of plants. Earth magic is weakened by Fire magic and is strong against air magic.
Fire – Fire magic is used primarily for combat, but when combined with other elements can be used for many purposes ranging from cooking to grooming. Fire magic is weak against water magic and strong against earth magic.
Spirit – There is much scholarly debate on the true source of spirit magic. Some say it is the power of the soul, others say it is the source of life itself. The most common uses for spirit magic are healing and defense. Spirit magic is the only elemental magic that is not weakened by another element, but a sufficiently powerful magic-user can overcome a spirit shield by attacking their opponent unrelentingly.
Water – Water magic in combination with wind magic can be used to control the weather. It is also effective against Fire magic and is weakened by air magic.
Charmer – A low-level magic user.
Enchantress – Mid-level magic user. Occasionally an Enchantress will be extremely powerful in the use of a single element above the others.
Mage – A magic user that is only capable of using one element. Though they can use only one magical element, mages are extremely powerful.
Spellbinder – The most powerful group of magic users and the ruling class.
Council of the Seidkona – A council comprised entirely of Spellbinders which rules over all things magic.
Seidh – Magic
Seidkona – Literally means ‘magic woman’, but is usually used as an honorific for Spellbinders.
Seidskati – Literally means ‘magic rule’ and is used to describe the leaders of the Council of the Seidkona.

Crenking – is used in a similiar context to ‘freaking’.
Frizz– is a used in a similiar context to ‘crap’ or ‘freaking’. Examples: “No Frizzing way,” or “What the Frizz?”
Hluti – A slang term roughly equivalent to the word ‘crap’.
Maer – literally means Maiden, but is often used as a slang term to describe an attractive woman.
Splerged – to vomit.
Thached – crazy
Venn – literally means friend, but is often used as a slang term with meaning comparable to Dude.

Kona – Literally means woman, but is an honorific used for women, much like our society uses Mrs or Ms.
Ragnarok – A number of events spoken of in prophecy that will culminate to the final battle between the Gods and the Jotun.
Diox – A carbonated beverage.
Lifkyn – A term used by elves that literally means “Life Kindred” and refers to one’s soulmate.
Mjölnir – A war hammer belonging to the dead God Thor. The hammer was forged by the dvergar brothers Eitri and Brokk.
Hyrklufar – a type of dwarf-made rifle that is unleashes a fiery torrent against an opponent. The name literally means ‘fire cleaver’.
Gungnir – A spear belonging to Odin.
Gram – A sword out of legend placed in the tree Barnstokkr by Odin and recovered by the hero Sigmund. Later broken in battle the sword would be reforged by his son Sigurd. After it was reforged the blade was said to be able to cut through anything and was unbreakable.

Aesir – The Gods
álfar – Refers to all races of Elves.
Dark Elf – See Dokkálfar
Dokkálfar – Sometimes refered to as Dokkálfar or Svartálfar, dark elves are loathsome creatures who bear little resemblance to their Light Elf cousins. They have pitch black skin, clawed hands, flat faces, no discernible nose, white, black or no hair and a mouthful of razor-sharp teeth. Many Dark Elves have taken up residency within Midgard’s crest, but their homeworld Svartalfheim, is one of the Nineworlds.
Dvergar – Dwarves are diminutive creatures who resemble short humans, but have long beards and over-sized noses that resemble turnips. Ancient lore claims that dwarves are descended from creatures similar to maggots, but modern scholars believe that they are distant cousins to the Elves. Dwarves are miners and blacksmith’s by trade. They are greedy and they’re loyalty can be bought. It is important to note that once a dwarf’s loyalty has been bought he is loyal to a fault.
Dvergar Conclave – The ruling body of the Dwarves that bears more similarity to a commerce, blacksmithing, and mining guild than an actual government.
Dwarf – see Dvergar.
Einherjar – Those that die honorable deaths in battle and are brought by Valkyrie to Valhalla where they await the final battle.
Elf – See álfar.
Exiled Elves – Exiled elves are an offshoot of the Lejosá¡lfar and technically speaking are not a separate race. They live under a self-imposed exile and want nothing to do with the Light Elves. It is not unusual for an exiled elf to intermingle with another Vattur. There are four major tribes, the Saerá¡lfar (Sea elves), the Fellá¡lfar (Mountain elves), the Hyrrá¡lfar (Fire Elves) and the Vindá¡lfar (Wind Elves). Exiled elves live on Midgard as they prefer to live apart from their Light Elf cousins.
Fellálfar – See exiled elves.
Faeries – Vattir that are small in stature such as pixies. They are often refereed to as the “Wee folk” and are ruled over by an enigmatic leader known only as the Gray Queen.
Faekyn – See Faeries.
Hyrrálfar – see exiled elves.
Jotun – Enemies to the Gods the Jotun are malicious and evil beings who seek the total annihilation of the Gods and all their creations.
Kobold – Small magical creatures, smaller than dwarves, that are native to the European continent, Kobolds are notoriously foul tempered and are extremely dangerous when angered. They inhabit mines, and like dwarves are extremely skilled miners, but seem to show little interest in trade.
Lejosálfar – Light Elves are virtually indistinguishable from humans save they tend to be slightly taller, more fair are extremely beautiful and radiate an aura of unearthly attraction. They live in a world known only as álfheim
Light Elf – see Lejosálfar.
Mountain Elf – see Fellálfar.
Saerálfar – see exiled elves.
Svartálfar – see Dokkálfar.
Trolls – Huge, ugly, foul tempered and incredibly stupid trolls are reclusive creatures that generally avoid humans.
Valkyries – Angelic beings who serve the Gods. Valkyries are responsible for carrying those who die a honorable death in battle to Valhalla in preparation for Ragnarok.
Vattur – A generic term for all magic creatures even the Gods. Plural form is Vattir. Many Vattir are incapable of lying including, Exiled Elves, Light Elves and faeries.
Vindá¡lfar – see exiled elves.
Wee folk – see faeries.

Epegard – A city well-known for it’s apples and apple-wine. The name means Apple garden. Former home of Derek Hines.
The Dingha – The meeting place of the Seidskati.
Free Federalist States of Nyrland, the – A country that is roughly analogous to the United States of America. Was founded several centuries after it’s discovery by the famous explorer Leif Ericson.
Kingsburgh – A city in the Spellbinder Universe which is equivalent to Hollywood.
Le Fey estates – Home of the head of House Le Fey. Located on the outskirts of New Copenhagen.
Nordic Empire, the – An empire spanning much of Europe.
New Copenhagen – The center of the Council of Spellbinders’ power and home of the Le Fey family.
New Jorvák – A large metropolitan city located on the east coast of Nyrland.
Vägburg – A major Nyrlander city located somewhere in the Nyrlandic midwest. The total population is somewhere in the neighborhood of 370,000 thousand.
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Asgard – Home of the Aesir.
álfheim – Home world of the Light elves.
Jotunheim – Home of the Jotun
Midgard – Norse name for Earth
Muspellsheim – Primordial world of fire. Said the be the home of the fire Jotun.
Nidavellir – Home of the dwarves
Niflheim – Primordial world of ice. Niflheim is the home of Hel.
Svartalfheim – Home of the Dark Elves.
Vanaheim – Home of the Vanir.
Ginnungagap – A primordial void that existed before the creation of the universe.
Dagdedar – Capital city of the álfheim.
Helheim – Also known as Hel after the Goddess who made it her home. Helheim is the destination of all dead save those taken to Valhalla.
Valhalla – A gigantic hall located within the world of Asgard formerly ruled over by the God Odin, now watched over by the Goddess Freya. Any dead who die a honorable death in battle are brought here to await the coming of Ragnarok.
Yggdrasill – The world tree which connects all worlds.

The Council of the Seidkona – The body that governs all magic users, but to which only Spellbinders may join. The Council of the Seidkona is also known as the Council of Spellbinders, or Spellbinder Council. The Council of Seidkona very rarely meets and its ruled over by it’s senior members, the Seidskati.
The Dvergar Conclave – The ruling body of the Dwarves that bears more similarity to a commerce, blacksmithing, and mining guild than an actual government.
The Seidskati – The ruling body of the Council of Seidkona. The Seidskati generally rule without consent from the Council of the Seidkona or the greater magical community.
The Sons of Odin – A group of men’s rights activists led by Jonas Talman.
Spellbinder Houses – A spellbinder House is a family or clan of Spellbinders. Each house has a head and generally speaking the head of the house nearly always represents the family as a member of the Seidskati. To be considered a House a spellbinder family must have fifty or more descendants.

NOTE ON NAMING CONVENTIONS: In a spellbinder house there is what is called a ‘family name’. A family name is given to a spellbinder once she is named an apprentice. All other descendants of a spellbinder house (men, unapprenticed spellbinders and lesser magic users) use the name passed on by their last known male ancestor.
Aryanna Morgana le Fey – Formerly Thurston Steenburg. Transformed into a woman by his mother, Brigit Steenburg and ancestor Athilda le Fey after his magical awakening. Current head of House le Fey.
Athilda le Fey – Daughter of Morgana le Fey and former head of house Le Fey.
Brigit Steenburg – An enchantress who is the great-granddaughter of Athilda and mother of Thurston/Aryanna. She is very talented and powerful in the use of wind(air) magic.
Claramae “Clara” le Fey – A high ranking member of the House le Fey. Claramae has long despised Aryanna.
Derek Hines – See Daniella le Fey.
Daniella le Fey – Man transformed into a woman who is Aryanna’s former apprentice and current romantic partner. Daniella has been adopted into House Le Fey and allowed to use the family name.
Lilith le Fey – The deceased daughter of Athilda and great-grandmother of Thurston/Aryanna.
Thurston “Thor” Steenburg – See Aryanna Morgana le Fey
Lief Yorgenson – Grandson of Florette Aquitaine and best friend of Neil.
Florette Aquitaine – Head of House Aquitaine.
Marianna de Clisson – Daughter of Olivia and current head of House De Clisson.
Jeanne de Clisson – Former head of House De Clisson.
Olivia de Clisson – Daughter of Jeanne who was very briefly the head of House De Clisson after her mother’s death. Olivia is now dead.
Mi Cha Shin – A recent addition to the Seidskati, Mi Cha Shin is a native of Goryeo.
Motoaka – A controversial member of the Seidskati, Motoaka is a Native Nyrlander who represents an entire tribe of people rather than a single house.
Theodora – A member of the Seidskati and former ruler of the Roman Empire.
Jonas Talman – Leader of the Son’s of Odin who is secretly in league with the Jotun.
Doctor Josef Mengele – A doctor who developed a formula that he believed would grant men the ability to use magic. He tested the formula on himself and while it did grant him the ability to use magic it also left him in a form that was half-male and half-female. The ability to use magic has extended his life, but its use has caused the male half of his body to deteriorate. Perhaps due to the formula’s effect on his mind, he is insane and refers to himself with plural pronouns.
Nicholas “Nick” Flint – Former lieutenant of Jonas Talman who left the Sons of Odin upon learning of Talman’s alliance with the Jotun. He now works for Aryanna le Fey.
Dagmar – Youngest daughter of Hervor.
Heime – Son of Hervor.
Hervor – The Queen of the Light Elves. Hervor is a mysterious figure who seems to have an agenda of her own and will stop at nothing to see that her goals are fulfilled.
Garik – A young elf soldier who served as a member of the Queen’s guard.
Gilda – Eldest daughter of Hervor.
Brokk – Dwarven blacksmith who forged Mjölnirwith his brother Eitri.
Durinn – An ancient dwarf who is one of oldest members of his race.
Eitri – Brokk’s brother and business partner.
Regin – A dwarf, that according to legend, reforged the sword Gram.
Sogvor – A female dwarf.
Baldr – God of the day.
Eir – The goddess of Mercy.
Freya – Goddess of love and war. She the leader of the Valkyries. Her power is second only to Frigg.
Frigg – One of the creators, Frigg is the wife of the dead God Odin. She has taken Odin’s place at the head of the pantheon. Has the power of prophecy and is the most powerful among the Goddesses.
Gna – A goddess who serves as Frigg’s messenger.
Hoenir – One of the creators and brother of Odin.
Lodur – One of the creators and brother of Odin.
Loki – God of mischief and chaos.
Norns – Goddesses of Fate. See also Urd, Verdani, & Skuld.
Nyorun – The Goddess of dreams.
Odin – The All Father. Before his death he was the head of the Norse Pantheon.
Sif – Goddess of the earth, wears a wig of golden hair.
Skuld – One of the Goddesses of fate known as the Norns. Skuld looks after the future.
Thor – God of thunder and the wielder of Mjölnir.
Urd – One of the Goddesses of fate known as the Norns. Urd looks after the past.
Verdani – One of the Goddesses of fate known as the Norns. Verdanit looks after the present.
Crystal – A kobold with an irritable personality who rescued Flint from jail at the behest of Frigg.
Eva – The mysterious girlfriend of Neil.
The Gray Queen – The enigmatic and mysterious leader of the faeries.
Neil – Protagonist of ‘Destiny: Legacy of a Spellbinder’
Marion Valemont – Younger sister of Penelope and adopted daughter of Brigit Steenburg.
Meredith – A servant of the Le Fey family.
Penelope Valemont – Former assistant of Athilda le Fey and was very briefly Aryanna’s lover.

NOTE: This list is the actual history of these figures and not their fictionalized back-stories as related to the alternate history of the Spellbinder Universe.
Agnes Bernauer – The commoner mistress and possible wife of Albert III who would later become Duke of Bavaria. Believing his son’s liason with a commoner was unbefitting one of Albert’s status, his father, Ernest, had Agnes convicted and drowned for witchcraft. Agnes lived from 1410 to 1435.A.D.
Elizabeth Bathory – A Hungarian countess who was accused of torturing and murdering hundreds of innocent young girls. Later writings would claim that Elizabeth bathed in the blood of her victims believing that it would preserve her youth. Elizabeth was never tried or convicted, but was imprisoned within her home, Csejte Castle, where she would remain until her death four years later.
Jeanne de Clisson – also known as the Lioness of Brittany, Jeanne was a Breton pirate who plied the English channel for French vessels from 1343-1356. She lived from 1300 to 1359.
Josef Mengele – A Nazi physician, also known as the Angel of Death, who was a German SS officer in the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz. He was one of the physicians responsible for selecting which of the arriving prisoners would be put to death or who was to become a forced laborer, but he was far more notorious for his strange and cruel experiments on camp inmates.
Matoaka – Better known by her childhood nickname, Pocahontas, Matoaka was best known for saving the life ofEnglishman John Smith. Despite what a certain Disney movie might have you believe, Pocahontas had no romantic interest in Smith. She would eventually meet and fall in love with a tobacco planter named John Rolfe. She would take the name Rebecca Rolfe and converted to Christianity.
Theodora – Wife of Justinian I and empress of the Roman (Byzantine) Empire. Theodora lived from 500 to 548 A.D.

Comments, however short, are very much appreciated. If you liked this please take a minute to leave a comment. If there are any terms you would like to see here please leave a comment and tell me. I’m sure I’ve overlooked something.