Well, it’s taken a while, but all my stories have now been successfully migrated over to the site. As this seems pretty significant I thought I’d make a post about.
The my stories page is a static page (meaning it’s not automatically updated) so every time I post a story I have to go in and update the list. Just to give you an idea of how many changes it’s seen in the months since I’ve launched the website, wordpress reports that that page alone has been modified eighty-three times.
Beyond that, other recent website changes include:
- Changed the top nav bar a bit, ‘My Stories’ is no longer a parent nav item to any of the other menu items.
- The post navigation is now at the top and bottom of every page. Also, these particular nav links are by category and since Psyren’s Redemption is currently the only story within the Weekly Serial category you should no longer see other story posts while browsing between story parts. The left post navigation menu is and always has been by date. So it will be mix of various post types.]
- Updated the Disclaimer text in the my stories page and all links are now current.
I’m considering a change in the way I use categories. Instead of using the category for the type of content (fiction, weekly serial, etc), I would use it for story universes. . Anything, for instance, in the Spellbinder Universe category would include my Ragnarok Rising stories, the mythos, the glossary, and of course, Ragnarok Shorts. I’m sure you get the idea. Blogs, would of course, remain their own distinct category, for purely organizational purposes, but some of the sub-categories would be converted to tags instead.
I’m not entirely sold on the idea and I’m current considering other options. There are some wordpress plugins that would allow me to create a new type of taxonomy just for such a thing, but it would also be incredibly convoluted and complicated and I’d rather invest my time in writing. There are one or two that would seem to be perfect, but are so outdated that I won’t touch them with a ten-foot-pole, even a virtual one.
Everyone have a delightfully demented day,
Daniela A. Wolfe (D.A.W.)