I just learned of the passing of Maggie Finson, a long time internet friend and someone who helped me a lot in my early day’s of writing. She was a beta reader on many of my early stories and even is responsible for naming Facades. I don’t know what awaits beyond this life, but I hope that wherever she may be that she is happy. Rest well my friend, I’ll miss you.

Of the Author
Daniela A. Wolfe
Hi, I'm Dani Wolfe, thanks for coming to the site and reading my stories. You can learn more about me by visiting the about me page. Please take a moment to comment, it really helps encourage me to keep going! Have a delightfully demented day!
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There is One comment
I’m sad to see her go, and even sadder that you lost someone with such a profound impact on your life. I am glad, however, that perhaps a little bit of her might live on in your writing!