As much as I hate to do his, I will not be posting a new serial part this week. For those that don’t know, I came down with a particularly virulent bug and have been unable to write for more than a week. I am getting a slowly better, but as yet I have been unable to concentrate or focus long enough to produce anything usable.
Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem as I do have a little bit of a back log of story parts, but I decided to add a new part last week.
If I can swing it next week I’ll attempt to post two parts, but that’s wholly dependent on how much writing I can get done and whether or not I decide to dip into my back log.
Have a delightfully demented day,
Daniel A. Wolfe

No Psyren this week
Of the Author
Daniela A. Wolfe
Hi, I'm Dani Wolfe, thanks for coming to the site and reading my stories. You can learn more about me by visiting the about me page. Please take a moment to comment, it really helps encourage me to keep going! Have a delightfully demented day!
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