Some of you may know this, most of you probably don’t, but I’ve mentioned at bigcloset in comments that I was afraid for my job. Well, it appears, just as I feared, that I will be getting laid off by April.
I do have my tax return to fall back on, and since the company I work for is closing the entire office, I will get what you might call a bonus for staying on until the bitter end as we have a lot of loose ends to tie up. I don’t know if that’s going to happen. I remain undecided at this moment, news has only just trickled down this morning so I’m unsure what this ‘bonus’ amount will be, but suffice it to say I am in a good enough financial situation that I should be able to keep myself afloat for some time after my final day. I’m trying to stay positive about this but it’s hard. I am really bummed about this, there are a lot of friendships I’ve made over the course of my employment and truth be told I’ve gotten very comfortable where I’m at in life. Also, I hate job hunting. Good news is I have enough experience and expertise to help me land another job and some of those skills could crossover into other fields if absolutely necessary.
What does this mean for my writing and my website? Well, I have another year of web-hosting paid for my website. So I won’t need to worry about keeping up on any payments. Internet is included in my rent so as long as I keep that up I should still have access. I’m pretty down today and don’t feel up to writing or really doing much of anything, but when I get bad news of this sort I tend to spend a day or two feeling sorry for myself and jump right back into my writing so I wouldn’t expect any delays in that regard. Even if it were I have enough of a backlog that it will be months before it becomes an issue.
Everyone have a delightfully demented day (at least better than the one I’m having),
Daniel A. Wolfe
There are 2 comments
I’ve had a very spotty work history, I have an invisible disability that didn’t get diagnosed till late in life so that kept screwing up any job I got, eventually I got some help and I found a job that, while not ideal , is enough to keep me going. I have been in that Dark Place called Unemployment before and you have my sympathies
Thank you. For what it’s worth I understand better than most. I have ADD, I’m not sure I would consider it a disability, but even when I was medicated for it I struggled to cope with many of the effects of the condition and it wasn’t until I reached adulthood that I developed the coping mechanisms I needed to function. Even today, I avoid speaking of it with colleagues as many people tend to have a lot of strange ideas about ADD here in the states.