I know, I know, it’s just so much work to comment, right? It takes ten whole seconds to share your thoughts. It’s just soooo exhausting. 😛
All kidding aside, yesterday after I posted the latest part of Virtually Twisted, I received a comment and you know what? It happened to be pretty darned helpful. The person in question ‘Calamity’ pointed out that I hadn’t provided any physical descriptions for either Jim’s best friend Megan or her cousin Allison.
Though I’m a little embarrassed that I neglected to include these descriptions it does help drive home just how important comments are to people like me. Not only do they help encourage us writers to continue it does sometimes give the readers the chance to influence the story or provide critical feedback that can improve the story.
I know some readers don’t like commenting because they don’t feel they have anything beneficial to add, but for me any comment is welcome. Yes, I like thoughtful reviews, but even comments like “This is great, I can’t wait for the next part” are encouraging to me. It let’s me know that someone’s reading the story. I’ll take what I can get. Hell, just using the like buttons is better than nothing.
Yes, this website tells me how many people visit a particular page, but it doesn’t tell me if they actually read what’s there. Actual feedback, is what I want.
Now, before someone stops in and says, ‘you need to write what you want and not worry about what other people think,’ please don’t go there. I understand the argument, and I disagree. I write because I want to share my stories, I want people to appreciate them. I want them to enjoy them as much as I enjoy writing them. Yes, I write for myself, but with the intention of sharing them with our tiny little corner of the internet.
That’s just my two cents, but what do I know?
PS I made changes to part one and part two of virtually twisted adding descriptions to the aforementioned characters.
Have a delightfully demented day,
Daniel A. Wolfe