Apologies. I was a little preemptive in posting this draft, the blog text is up now.
Some of you may have noticed I added pagination (page number links) to the top part of the site. I was getting tired of scrolling all the way to the bottom just to switch pages. In addition, I restyled the bottom pagination so that it matches the top. I originally intended to match the top to the original styling, but because of the way the theme is designed that would have involved a lot of moving stuff around and I really didn’t want to make such a drastic modification. After some experimenting I just decided to restyle both the top and bottom to a new design. I’m rather pleased with the result, I hope you all like the addition.
Please note, I also noticed that the Tags & More page doesn’t work so well on small mobile devices. I have a fix that should work, but it involves switching from using to using a table, to floating divs. It’s not a particularly hard fix, but while I’m fixing it, it probably will load a little funny.
So, I went ahead and updated the cover images for Legacy of Earth and the made entirely new one for the umbrella universe The Earth Source Universe. You can see the images and read their captions in the Gallery below. I hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I did making them!
(click on the magnifying glass to view full size)

Have delightfully demented day,
Daniel A. Wolfe